Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Art of Managing Stress for Entrepreneurs - Break a Sweat!

Bonjour! I'm back in San Francisco.

I want to share a few lessons learned with those who are still figuring out balance and stress management. These have been extremely helpful and actionable. 

The Importance of Working Out: 
Hit the gym, got for a run, play a game. This is common advice but very few actually follow the advice. It'll make the world's difference if you do it. 

People argue that there isn't enough time, but half an hour a +/-15 mins for shower and changing a few days a week will greatly impact your energy levels and your decision making.  

For most people, it's the quality of your work, not the quantity. Plus, it builds stamina. 

A great way to get started is by just going for a walk or signing up with a few friends for a 5K or sprint triathlon. (I'm not a doctor etc so check to make sure you won't die by working out)

Build out your support network: 
For those who are transiting from corporate/career into entrepreneurship. There are small steps you can take. It's not just quitting your job and jumping in. If you aren't ready, the world will eat you alive. Unfortunately I've seen many companies/products that die including my own but with a great supportive network, they'll be there to catch you when you fall.

Pick up the phone, share your dreams.

This seems pretty straight forward but often we taking very shallow breaths. Take a step away from the computer, relax your muscles and take 3-5 deep breaths. It's a great way to recharge. 

Ping me if you have any questions! 


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